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JGL Law for You Legal Podcast Roundup, Season Three, 2022

Season 3

Season three of our legal podcase, JGL Law for You, touches on a wide range of topical issues to help you navigate the complexities of personal and business life.

To help you find the legal information you need, this roundup directs you to popular podcasts on whistleblowing, business law, child custody, and more.

Family Law Podcasts

Family law is always relevant. This season we produced content on the following various topic:

If you have a question on family law or divorce that you’d like to discuss with our team, contact us today.

Labor and Employment Podcasts

No matter what line of work you are in, knowing your rights as an employee is important. This season we produced a podcast that answered the question “what are the basic rights of employees?”

In this episode, we outlined what an “employment contract” is. We also discussed unions, who can be fired, and why.

We encourage you to seek legal help from our team, if you are facing an issue pertaining to employment law.

Whistleblower Podcasts

This season, we also addressed the topic of government contract fraud. The episode pertaining to this topic explored falsifying information on contract proposals, misrepresenting the status of projects to receive government funds, falsifying compliance, and concealing cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

If you’re affected by this topic, we can help – send us a message.

Business Law Podcasts

We’re also dedicated to protecting businesses across Maryland and the Washington DC metropolitan area. Our podcast on business evaluations is essential for anyone that needs to understand the process used to establish the value of a business. Learn when a business evaluation is necessary, pitfalls to avoid, and the standards a valuator must follow.

Learn more about business law for you, by talking with our team.

More 2022 Legal Podcasts

We’re proud to use our 50+ years of experience to provide information to all, via our legal podcast. Some of the other key topics covered this season include:

Ensure you always have a trusted source for legal information to hand by bookmarking our podcast page.

Contact JGL Law for Legal Advice Tailored to You

When unique challenges arise, legal advice tailored to you is essential. If any of the above topics are of concern to you, get in touch, briefly outlining your concerns. We’ll be in touch to provide the legal support you need.

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