Andrew Greenwald


“Each person has a unique story and unique needs. I don’t just represent clients, I represent people."

As a founding member of Joseph, Greenwald & Laake, Andrew Greenwald has a reputation for being an unwavering and effective advocate who has obtained millions of dollars in recoveries for his clients. Andrew has extensive experience in representing victims of medical negligence, including:

  • Obstetrical
  • Pain Management
  • Emergency Room
  • Pediatric
  • Hospital
  • Surgical
  • Gastroenterology
  • Radiology

Andrew is widely recognized as a leading birth trauma and obstetrical malpractice attorney. Based in Maryland, Andrew has been called upon by lawyers in many other states to evaluate and litigate medical malpractice cases. He has successfully helped numerous families with loved ones suffering from the results of obstetrical malpractice—whether it is cerebral palsy, traumatic birth injuries, or birth asphyxia—seek justice. He has recovered a million dollars or more in over 50 cases.

As former co-chair of the Birth Trauma Litigation Group and the Medical Negligence Information Exchange Group of the American Association for Justice (AAJ), Andrew worked to educate malpractice lawyers who represent victims suffering from medical negligence-related injuries. He continues to serve as an educator today. Andrew is frequently asked to present to medical groups on medical negligence and has given more than 100 lectures to nationwide legal audiences at American Association for Justice meetings and to various state trial lawyer and bar associations. He has also contributed numerous articles to national legal publications and contributed to several legal instructional audiotape series.

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  • District of Columbia
  • Maryland
  • US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
  • US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
  • US District Court for the District of Columbia
  • US District Court for the District of Maryland
  • US Supreme Court

  • Georgetown University Law Center, JD, 1967
  • University of Wisconsin, BS, 1964

  • $6,000,000 recovery in anesthesia malpractice case
  • $6,000,000 recovery in failure to diagnose and treat hypertension
  • $2,500,000 recovery in obstetrical case dealing with HIV transmission
  • Recoveries in anesthesia pain management
  • Verdict of $2,500,000 in shoulder dystocia case
  • Verdict of $1,900,000 in nursing negligence case
  • 6 million dollar settlement in obstetrical brain damage case
  • Settlement in Stevens Johnson malpractice case
  • Settlement in failure to diagnose and treat pediatric hypoglycemia
  • Settlement of emergency room negligence case
  • Settlement in obstetrical malpractice case of $3 million
  • Settlement of $4 million in an obstetrical brain damage case involving a feto-maternal bleed
  • Settlement of $1,043,000 in a meningitis case
  • Representation of a client in an obstetrical malpractice case which resulted in $5,000,000 settlement
  • Representation of a client in an obstetrical malpractice case which resulted in a $2,500,000 settlement
  • Representation of client in one of the largest Health Claims Arbitration awards in Maryland, in a medical negligence case under Maryland Arbitration Statute – $5,500,000
  • Representation of client in one of the largest Health Claims Arbitration awards in Maryland, in an obstetrical medical negligence case under Maryland Arbitration Statute – $5,400,000
  • Representation of client in wrongful death medical malpractice case with a verdict of $6,000,000
  • Co-Counsel in Murel v. Baltimore City Court, argued in U.S. Supreme Court, challenging constitutionality of Maryland’s Defective Delinquent Statute

  • LexisNexis, AV Peer Review Rated
  • Super Lawyers®, Maryland and District of Columbia, 2007–2016
  • Best Lawyers in America®, medical malpractice, 2006–Present
  • LawDragon 500, Leading Plaintiff Lawyers in America, 2007
  • Washingtonian magazine, “Best of Washington,” 2004
  • Million Dollar Advocates Forum, lifetime member

  • American Association for Justice: co-chair, Medical Malpractice Information Group; board member and co-chair, Birth Trauma Litigation Group; former chair, Torts Section; member, Key Person Committee
  • American Bar Association
  • Maryland State Bar Association
  • Prince George’s Bar Association
  • Montgomery County Bar Association
  • District of Columbia Bar Association
  • Maryland Trial Lawyers Association
  • Trial Lawyers Association of the District of Columbia
  • American Board of Trial Advocates
  • William B. Bryant Inn, American Inns of Court
  • Journal of Communication, former reviewer
  • American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, former reviewer
  • Brain Research Association at Children’s Hospital, former member, board of directors

  • “Deposing Medical Experts,” Trial magazine
  • “In the Beginning: Examples of Opening Statements,” Trial magazine
  • Contributor, The Profoundly Injured Child, AAJ Press
  • “Shattered Dreams: A Look at the Seriously Injured Child,” Trial magazine
  • “Let Me Ask You This: Some Thoughts on Cross-Examination,” Trial magazine
  • “Oh, Didn’t I Tell You? A Look at Informed Consent,” Trial magazine
  • Contributor, Settlement and Plea Bargaining, American Association for Justice Education Fund
  • How to Recognize and Handle Recreational Liability: Sports Torts, American Association for Justice
  • “Effective Pre-Trial Discovery in Medical Negligence Cases, A Positive Approach,” Trial magazine
  • “Gymnastics Litigation, The Standard of Care,” Trial magazine
  • “Medical Malpractice Litigation: A Modest Settlement Proposal,” Trial magazine
  • “Effective Pre-Trial Discovery in Medical Negligence Cases—What You Don’t Know May Hurt You,” Trial Magazine; selected for publication in Best of Trial, AAJ Press
  • Shoulder Dystocia and Birth Injury, published by invitation (James O’Leary, MD)

  • How To Handle The Absurd Defense Expert to the Maryland Association for Justice, 2011
  • A Lot of Nerve (Stretching the Truth), American Association of Justice, National Convention, 2009
  • Shoulder Dystocia “Stretching the Truth” to the Birth Trauma Litigation Group, AAJ Mid-Winter Convention, 2007
  • Animations Medical Malpractice Information Group, AAJ Mid-Winter Convention, 2007
  • Contributor to Sports Torts, Association of Trial Lawyers of America tape
  • Effective Pre-Trial Discovery in Medical Negligence Cases, Malpractice Tape Series, put out by the Association of Trial Lawyers of America.
  • Instrumental Delivery, ATLA Seminar on the catastrophically injured child
  • Questions, Language and Bologna, ATLA National Convention, Boston, Presentation to the Birth Trauma Litigation Group
  • Deposition Techniques to Prepare for Cross Examination of Expert Witnesses and Defendants at Trial, ATLA Birth Trauma Group Seminar
  • Discovery of Defendants and Their Expert Witnesses, ATLA Summer Conference, Atlanta, Presentation to the Birth Trauma Litigation Group
  • Erb’s Palsy: The Defense, ATLA National Convention, Chicago, Presentation to the Birth Trauma Litigation Group
  • Persuasive Techniques in Birth Injury Cases, National College of Advocacy Seminar, Litigating Catastrophically Injured Infants Cases, Atlanta, Georgia
  • Vacuum Extraction Perils, Problems and Pearls, ATLA Annual Convention, San Francisco, Presentation to the Birth Trauma Litigation Group
  • Developing Thematic Evidence Through Expert Witnesses, ATLA Annual Convention, Washington, DC Trial Advocacy Track: Depositions: “The Game Plan for Trial”
  • Making the Defendant the Plaintiff’s Expert, ATLA 50th Anniversary Annual Convention, Boston, MA. Trial Advocacy Track Education Program
  • Obstetrics, American Bar Association National Institute Program, San Francisco, California, Liability Issues in Health Care
  • Preparation For and Cross-Examination of Expert Witnesses at Deposition and at Trial, Virginia Trial Lawyers Association Annual Convention, White Sulfur Springs, West Va. Fighting For Justice
  • Preparation For and Cross-Examination of Expert Witnesses at Deposition and at Trial, American Bar Association, Washington, DC, Liability Issues for Health Care Providers
  • How to Prepare Your Case Through Discovery, Maryland Trial Lawyers Seminar, Baltimore, MD
  • Discovery, Kansas City Trial Lawyers Association
  • ATLA National Convention, San Francisco, CA, Section on Professional Negligence
  • Prozac, National Convention, Washington, DC, Section of Toxic, Environmental and Pharmaceutical Torts
  • The Trial of a Medical Negligence Case, MICPEL, Seminar on Medical Negligence
  • Participant, Food & Drug Law Committee of the American Bar Associations Business Law Section, Medical Device Update, Washington, DC
  • Discovery, Georgetown University Law Center, Second “All Star” Trial Advocacy Skills Institute, Washington, DC
  • The Trial of a Medical Negligence Case, MICPEL, Seminar on Medical Negligence
  • Faculty Member, Advanced NITA Course, Washington, DC
  • The Defendant’s Life Expectancy Experts; Prozac, ATLA National Convention, Toronto, Sunrise Seminar
  • Faculty Member, Advanced NITA Course, Washington, DC
  • Trial Tactics – Direct and Cross Examination of Experts in a Product Liability Case, District of Columbia Bar Association Annual Convention
  • Discovery, DCTLA Meeting
  • Blackboards and Tear-Sheets, ATLA Seminar on Demonstrative Evidence
  • Montgomery County Bar Association Seminar on Opening Statement
  • Opening Statement in a Medical Negligence Case, ATLA National Convention
  • Causation in Medical Negligence Cases, Belli Seminar/ATLA National Convention
  • Demonstrative Evidence, Trial Lawyers Association of Metropolitan Washington, DC Litigation Luncheon
  • Final Argument, Moderator, Maryland Trial Lawyers Association Annual Seminar
  • Medical Legal Issues in Pediatrics, 18th Ross Roundtable held at Johns Hopkins Medical Center
  • Proof and Work Up of Damages in the Profoundly Injured Child, ATLA National Convention
  • Depositions, ATLA National College of Advocacy, Discovery and Settlement, Yale University
  • Techniques of Examination, Cross Examination of Pediatric Immunologists, ATLA Seminar on Traumatic Medicine – Pain, It’s Origins and Measurement, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Medical Negligence, West Virginia Trial Lawyers Association Seminar
  • Cross Examination, National College of Advocacy, University of Bridgeport
  • Taking on the Defendant and His Experts in a Medical Negligence Case, ATLA National Convention
  • MICPEL Seminar on Medical Malpractice
  • Montgomery County/Prince George’s County Seminar on Final Argument
  • Faculty, ATLA National College of Advocacy
  • Presenting Economic Evidence, Risk Managers Division of the Hospital Council of the National Capital Area
  • Faculty Seminar for Maryland Emergency Medical Services, Baltimore, Maryland
  • Faculty Seminar for Maryland Emergency Medical Services, Cumberland, Maryland
  • Faculty Seminar for Maryland Emergency Medical Services, Hyattsville, Maryland
  • Faculty, ATLA National College of Advocacy, Basic College, Specialized Course in Damages, Washington, DC
  • Faculty, ATLA National College of Advocacy, Specialized Course in Medical Malpractice, Yale University Law School
  • Faculty, AAJ National College of Advocacy, Specialized Course in Medical Malpractice, Yale University Law School
  • Faculty, AAJ Special Course in Damages, Harvard Law School
  • Discovery, Chairman, Maryland Trial Lawyers Annual Seminar on Trial Practice
  • Maryland Trial Lawyers Annual Convention Demonstration – Direct Examination of Expert Witness
  • MICPEL Presentations on “The Nuts & Bolts of Personal Injury Practice”, College Park, Maryland
  • MICPEL Presentations on “The Nuts & Bolts of Personal Injury Practice”, Easton, Maryland
  • MICPEL Presentations on “The Nuts & Bolts of Personal Injury Practice”, Baltimore, Maryland
  • Architectural Negligence; Obstetrics and Brain Damage, ATLA National Convention
  • Faculty, ATLA Regional College of Advocacy
  • Speaker, Louisiana State Bar Association
  • Final Argument, Association of Trial Lawyers of America, Seminar on the Profoundly Injured Child
  • Speaker, Kansas Trial Lawyers Seminar
  • Maryland Trial Lawyers Association, Seminar on Trial Advocacy
  • Speaker, Maryland Trial Lawyers Annual Convention
  • Obstetrics, Cerebral Palsy and Brain Damage, ATLA National Convention
  • Faculty of ATLA Special Course in Damages (Harvard Law School)
  • Faculty of ATLA Advanced Course in Trial Advocacy
  • Faculty of ATLA Regional College of Advocacy (Georgetown Law Center)
  • Informed Consent, Association of Trial Lawyers of America, Third Circuit Seminar
  • Discussion on Medical Malpractice, University Hospital, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland
  • Examination of a Hospital Administrator, Hospital Discussion, and Final Argument in a Case Against a Hospital, Association of Trial Lawyers of America, Fourth Circuit Seminar
  • CLE Speaker, Cross-Examination of Medical Experts, Montgomery County – Prince George’s County
  • Cross-Examination of Medical Experts, Maryland Trial Lawyers Advocacy Seminar, Moderator and Speaker
  • Cross-Examination of Medical Experts, Indiana Trial Lawyers Seminar
  • Panel Member, Program on “Anatomy of a Malpractice Case”, Maryland Trial Lawyers Annual Convention Panel
  • Effective Cross-Examination of Medical Experts, Delaware Trial Lawyers Meeting, Wilmington, Delaware
  • Medical Aspects of Whiplash Injuries, ATLA National Convention, Young Lawyers Section
  • ATLA Convention, Moderator on Seminar on Law & Medicine
  • Voir Dire as a Technique of Cross Examination, Belli Seminar
  • Discovery From the Opponent; Demonstrative Evidence, Georgetown University Law Center, The Art and Problems of Trial Practice
  • Cross Examination of Expert Witnesses, Association of Trial Lawyers of America, Third Circuit Seminar
  • The Increased Injuries in the Gymnastics Setting, West Virginia Trial Lawyers Annual Meeting
  • Effective Pre-Trial Discovery in Creating Demonstrative Evidence in Personal Injury Cases, Virginia Trial Lawyers 23rd Annual Seminar
  • Use of Discovery Tools in Medical Cases, Association of Trial Lawyers of America, Fourth Circuit Seminar
  • Techniques, Tactics and Strategy in the Trial of a Personal Injury Case; Tips, Techniques and Tools for Effective Discovery, Montgomery-Prince George’s Continuing Legal Education Institute
  • Medical Malpractice From the Plaintiff’s Point of View, Georgetown University Law Center, Point/Counterpoint Series
  • Discovery as a Trial Technique in Personal Injury Cases, Montgomery-Prince George’s Continuing Legal Education Institute
  • Sports Injuries, Tort Section, Association of Trial Lawyers of America
  • Belli Seminar, ATLA Annual Convention, San Francisco
  • Health Professionals in Court, Northern Virginia Doctors Hospital
  • Liability of Coaches, Association of Trial Lawyers of America, Third Circuit Seminar
  • Association of Trial Lawyers of America, National College of Advocacy
  • Effective Pre-Trial Discovery in Personal Injury Cases and Proof of Damages in Personal Injury Cases, Montgomery County/Prince George’s County Legal Education
  • Discovery; Demonstrative Evidence, The Art and Problems of Trial Practice, Georgetown University Law Center
  • Association of Trial Lawyers of America, 8th Circuit Seminar
  • Association of Trial Lawyers of America, Annual Convention
  • Belli Seminar
  • Montgomery County/Prince George’s County Continuing Legal Education – Cross Examination
  • Discovery; Demonstrative Evidence, The Art and Problems of Trial Practice, Georgetown University Law Center
  • Lecturer and Program Chairman, Point-Counterpoint Series, Medical Malpractice, Georgetown University Law Center
  • Preparing the Plaintiff’s Case, Practicing Law Institute, Drug Liability Seminar
  • Effective Pre-Trial Discovery in Medical Negligence Cases, Montgomery County/Prince George’s County Legal Education
  • Maryland Trial Lawyers Association Annual Convention – Mock Trial
  • Practical Consideration in Medical Malpractice Cases, District of Columbia Bar
  • Strict Liability in Maryland, Association of Trial Lawyers of America 4th Circuit Seminar
  • Medical Malpractice From the Plaintiff’s Point of View, Bar Association of the District of Columbia, Breakfast Seminars
  • Association of Trial Lawyers of America Annual Convention
  • Lectured on Medical Malpractice, Association of Trial Lawyers of America 2nd Circuit Seminar
  • A Symposium on Common Pediatric Problems, Children’s Hospital National Medical Center, Washington, DC
  • Lectured on Professional Negligence, Southern Maryland Dental Society’
Let’s Talk.