With our attorneys’ wealth of industry knowledge, we specialize in providing leading information to our clients.

With our attorneys’ wealth of industry knowledge, we specialize in providing leading information to our clients.
Joseph Greenwald and Laake, PA (JGL) is one of the most trusted law firms serving Washington DC and the suburban Maryland area. For more than five decades JGL attorneys have fought to improve the future of families, the arc of careers, the success of business, and your most basic human rights. The attorneys of JGL take your business, family, and personal issues as personally as you do. What matters to you, matters to us.
Information on the JGL Blog is provided and intended for general informational purposes only. The information herein is not offered as legal advice. Access to, or receipt of, information on this site is not intended to, and does not, create an attorney-client relationship with Joseph Greenwald & Laake or any of its attorneys. No one should rely upon any information contained in the JGL Blog without first seeking professional legal advice. Read our full disclaimer.
With our attorneys’ wealth of industry knowledge, JGL specializes in providing leading information. Please connect with our media contact for press inquiries.