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A Note about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) to Clients

heart in hands

UPDATE – 03/20/2020

In our continuing effort to do everything we can to protect the health and safety of our employees and clients, and to do our part in helping to contain the spread of the Coronavirus, effective March 20, 2020 most of our employees will begin working remotely.  During these trying times we want to assure all of our clients that the firm’s unwavering commitment to client service continues unabated.  In anticipation of this day, we have established robust remote working capabilities that will permit our attorneys and staff to continue to provide the high level of legal services our clients have come to expect. As has been the case for more than 50 years, JGL is here for its clients.  Please do not hesitate to call or email your JGL attorney during this chaotic time.


ORIGINAL – 03/16/2020

As our communities work together to keep you and your family safe, we would like to reassure you that our client’s and employee’s health and well-being are top priorities for us as well.

First, JGL is taking additional measures to clean and sanitize our offices. We are being diligent and mindful of any changes as they occur and will work hard to find solutions to providing the legal services you need while maintaining a healthy, safe environment.

We’ve advised our staff to watch for symptoms of sickness and signs of coronavirus. If a staff member is sick or symptomatic, we’ve advised them to stay home and limit close contact with others.

We suggest that anyone who plans to visit offices should do the same. Signs of corona virus are:

·         Fever

·         Coughing

·         Shortness of breath

·         In severe cases pneumonia (infection in the lungs).

We are using anti-bacterial solutions and wipes to clean public surfaces frequently. We’re encouraging staff to clean workspaces daily and to properly wash hands throughout the day.

We are encouraging clients to use telephone or email contact as an alternative to in person meetings, if they prefer. We can facilitate virtual meetings through Skype and Facetime.

If necessary, we can continue to provide full client service and legal representation, even if some staff are required to work remotely. We have state of the art, secure technology to maintain our law firm operations, even if personal contact and access are severely restricted.

At JGL Law we will continue to keep a close watch on the evolving situation and the guidance provided by the World Health Organization, U.S. Centers for Disease Control, and state, provincial and local governments.

Despite the current challenges, we are committed to helping our clients with exceptional legal representation as we have for over 50 years.


Burt Kahn & Paul Riekhof

Managing Directors

Joseph Greenwald & Laake

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