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The Washington Post captures Tim Maloney’s Support for Holding Accountable Those Who Know of Abuse.

Washington Post

There are only 2 states in the nation that do not penalize people who have knowledge of abuse yet fail to report it to officials. Maryland is one of these states and many people are hoping this changes soon. In light of a recent Maryland case where an educator aide was sentenced to 100 years in prison on 23 counts of child sex abuse and pornography, many want to close the loophole on child abuse and not only penalize the abuser but those who have knowledge of the situation but do not do anything to stop it.

To not be able to hold people who know of the abuse is “really unconscionable,” says JGL principal Tim Maloney who filed suit against the school system in which that educator’s aide abused many children. In that particular case, Tim says “We had all kinds of warning signs, complaints by parents, children, teachers. He was walking the halls in pajamas, for God’s sake. This situation cries out for reform.”

Tim is with many other legislators who want Maryland to hold all associated in abuse situations accountable. The current bill in discussion proposes those who fail to report child abuse and have “actual knowledge” of it will face a misdemeanor charge and up to six months in jail or a $1,000 fine.

Timothy Maloney is a preeminent trial lawyer who has obtained millions of dollars in recoveries for his clients in a wide variety of complex matters, including civil rights, employment discrimination, whistleblower actions, and high-stakes business litigation. As a principal at Joseph, Greenwald & Laake, Tim has successfully taken on the government in numerous high-profile police misconduct and criminal defense cases. Tim remains a committed advocate for the public good and has held leadership roles with many civic and charitable organizations, including the University of Maryland Foundation; Maryland Catholic Conference; and St. Ann’s Center for Children, Youth, and Families. As a member of the Maryland Judicial Campaign Conduct Committee, Tim works to promote the integrity of judicial elections and has helped establish statewide guidelines for judicial campaign funding.

To read the full article, click here.

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